Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Caleb's drawings for Grandpa Peyton.

Caleb's drawings for Grandpa Peyton. 
"Although you live far away, you are still loved and cared for by me," says Caleb.

"Happy 65th Birthday Grandpa Peyton!"

"Grandpa taking his balloon home."

"Grandpa's present...a book about cars."

"Grandpa at his birthday party."
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Bella's drawings for Grandpa Peyton and Maria.

Bella's drawings for her Grandpa Peyton and Maria.

"Happy Belated Birthday Maria!"

"Maria and a friend heading to college with her backpack," says Bella.

Happy Birthday Grandpa Peyton!
"That's Mommy handing Grandpa Peyton his birthday cake," says Bella.
Bella tried fitting all those candles on the cake!

"Grandpa Peyton walking home with his birthday present,"  says Bella.

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